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Ningbo Zhejiang government service network "run at most once" electronic filing training meeting(pic)
发布时间:2017-08-03 来源: 访问量: 字体:【 视力保护色:


    The afternoon of August 1st, Ningbo launched the Zhejiang government services network run up a "electronic filing of training in the administrative service center, Ningbo county (city) archives, e-government Office (Information Center) and the development of the park management committee relevant responsible person and technical staff attended the meeting, deputy director of the office of Ningbo City e-government Chen Hongxiao, the Zhejiang Provincial Archives Bureau registration management office director Liang Shaohong attended the meeting and made the work of the guidance, the director of Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Archives Information Technology Department of Jin Lei presided over the meeting.
    At the meeting, Chen Hongxiao made a speech, introduced the electronic archive in Ningbo to promote the situation, separately from the organization and the working level definition of e-government office and the Department of archives work between lines, and on how the two sides to cooperate with relevant work carried out in Zhejiang province to make arrangements.
    Liang Shaohong introduced Zhejiang province "run up a" electronic filing of general situation and technical specification requirements, and the relevant documents for the systematic interpretation, reference for everyone in the subsequent construction of electronic document management platform provides a unified, clear thinking and direction of work.
    E-government office technical staff on government services network online archiving function module and data transfer mechanism respectively by department manager and business operator two demonstration role units participating in operation process, technical personnel carefully combined with practical operation, and the exchange of Q & A.
    Through this training, the participants have a full understanding of the Zhejiang government services network electronic filing, for each county (city), development of the park next carry out electronic filing work provides the technical foundation. (Zhang Kai, Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Archives)